Could delaying, on power washing, painting, property maintenance, cost me money?
Yes it certainly can. Let me explain how:
Power washing Dragon and Painting will attempt to answer these questions:
What is containment permeation ?
How often should you power wash on long Island ?
Could prolonging, delaying, holding off, on power washing, painting, property maintenance, cost me money?
You may be losing money on your investment and not know it!
For some reason some people think by putting off the inevitable that they are saving money. On the contrary, putting things off often is more costly then you think. You paid a lot of money buying a house, building a deck, putting in paved drive or walks ways, play sets, concrete patios, cedar shake and vinyl sidings, sheds, gazebos awnings, fencing PVC and wood alike. Believe it or not, all of these items eventually needs maintenance. Many people don't understand not keeping up with the regular maintenance on such items could cost you some cash. For only pennies on your investment dollar, you can keep all of these things looking new, sanitized and fresh, and increase the longevity of its existence. You May think you are saving by, lets say, power washing your house every five years, within a very short time contaminants can build up and permeation can occur and everyday the replacement cost of your investments increases, and eventually, if you don't maintain your property properly, it will have to be replaced.
All about containment permeation: some contaminants, after some time, can't come out. Time is not on your side. The more you delay, the more you may have to pay. Take mold on Aluminum or vinyl siding for example: The mold can actual find it's way into the powder coating of the aluminum and or bond with the molecules of the vinyl never to be eradicated. Once permeation occurs, you can never totally get the contaminants out of any surface no matter what chemicals are used . When it comes to cleaning / power washing and getting optimal results, permeation is enemy number one and should be prevented at all cost, and the cost you save may be your own.
It is good practice yearly to have a Beautification specialist survey your property for issues you may have that may be destructive. A knowledgeable Beautification specialist will be able identify problem areas and offer solutions and a treatment plan to bring your property back up to speed. On long island, one of our specialties is to restore and refinish decks and we mean total deck restoration and refinishing. You may need some power washing, staining, painting, deck repair, roof cleaning. One of the major enemies and main contributors to the destruction of some of your most valuable investments is algae, mold, and mildew. It is not just the unsightly , although horrendous, problem of slimy, grimy, black and green mildew, algae, mold spores climbing up the siding of your house making you and your neighbors cringe, its not the worst of possible scenarios.
Here is a picture of Aluminum siding on a house we power washed in Oyster Bay Long Island NY. To the owner's and our dismay the mold burned into its powder coating and could not be totally removed. Yes with 4000 psi we blasted off any topical contamination but the stuff that got embedded over time would not budge. We even broke out the scrub brushes and used every chemical in our arsenal and it didn't make a difference, the mold permeated the finish of the aluminum siding. We found out subsequently that the house has not been power washed in 20 years. This we agree is an extreme case, but still your siding, if you wait too long can not be 100% cleaned and the longer you wait the percentage of cleanliness goes down possibly to point of replacement, which can be quite pricey.
When should I power wash? A good rule of thumb and is highly recommended on Long Island, Power washing should be done at least every 12 to 20 months depending on location, and other factors. This is necessary to reduce cost and prevent any permanent damage from containment permeation.
You can see here what happens when you neglect to perform periodic maintenance on your decking
All exterior wood surfaces are susceptible to damage from rain, snow, and sunlight.
Wood left exposed to sun and moisture will soon quickly start to degrade. Leave your deck unprotected and you can expect it to turn Grey with age. What's more, the decking boards are likely to twist cup, warp and split. Ignore the problem for too long and you will have to make major repairs or even replace sections of the deck
Even wood that's has undergone pressure-treatment does not protect against weathering cycles of wetting and drying. These elements can cause wood to check, crack and splinter over time. In addition, ultra-violet rays from the sun can quickly devastate the top layer of wood cells, showing a gray, bleached out appearance.
To find out if your deck has been sealed before and if its still protected, use the old water test. What you are looking to see if it’s time to seal it again. sprinkle some water onto the boards. If the water beads, the wood is still sealed and protected. If the water is sucked into the wood, it’s time for it to be re-protected. Remember to test several different areas of the deck. High / foot -traffic spots are likely to wear down before edges and balusters, rails and spindles.

At Power Washing Dragon and Painting PDP., We believe, an educated prospective consumer is our best client.
Call now 631- 780-4737, for demo** and free estimates and quotes, book early, or
We are, "Long Island's #1 grime Fighters". At Power Washing Dragon and Painting, PDP. We just don't hose your house down. You can do that yourself. We thoroughly clean all cleanable exterior surfaces. When necessary we use EPA Approved soaps, brighteners, and mold and mildew fungicides. We utilize state of the art equipment combine with the best and latest innovations and techniques to deliver a superior job faster thus saving you money. optimal results that cost us less to delver so we can afford to charge you less. All of this, makes us the best possible value around.
condensed list of
what we / paint / stain/ power wash respectively:
* Paint exteriors
* paint interiors
* Siding maintenance
* Cedar shakes
* ornamental bridges
* Gazebo
* Fence maintenance
* Paint stripping
* Graffiti removal
* Pavement and concrete
* Brick and block
* A/C coil maintenance
* Ranch maintenance
* Windows
* Logs
* Lawn furniture
* Clean steel
* Floor mats
* Boat
* Deck
* Patio
* Vet kennels
* Driveways
* Paint surface prep
* Semitrailers
* Pool maintenance
* Pier maintenance
* Gutters
* Bathrooms
* Green houses
* Dumpsters
* Monument/statues
* Grill
* Carts
* Canopy maintenance
* Elevator maintenance
what an exciting experience!/Hilorious! Delightful! True!
High Pressure Cleaning
Power washers are great time savers and they come in all shapes and sizes. You can get the one that is perfect for your needs. They work so fast, that you actually use less water than if you were using a garden hose. Determine what you will be using the power washer on and how often you will use it and shop accordingly and you will find the right one.Dirt, mold, mildew, and algae build up will cause premature rot and decay of your home's building materials costing you money!The key to a successful home exterior cleaning project is in finding a reputable cleaning company.
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